
Brain Fit Free Trial and Trick or Treat 2017

This is my son's first trick-or-treat experienced and free trial at Brain Fit located in Greenhills San Juan. This program is free I just contacted them via sms to get a slot. My husband and I are excited for him so we prepared early before the event. We bought him a costume at SM Kids for 600+ pesos he choose a ninja character.

What is Brain Fit? It is the pioneer in providing neuroscience-based brain fitness programs. It aims to transform lives by improving learning capabilities, boosting performance, shaping behaviors, and increasing intelligence through high-quality evidence-based neuro-scientific cognitive training programs. 

They have 5 different programs: Smart Moves for sensory-motor; Smart Vision for visual processing; Smart Listening for auditory processing, Smart Focus for attention and memory; and Smart EQ for socio-emotions. 

After the fun program, they gave my son a loot bag filled with candies and chocolates! 

Thank you very much Bran Fit we had so much fun! 

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