Showing posts with label Pescatarian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pescatarian. Show all posts


My Pescetarian Lifestyle (Filipino Version)

It all started about 4 months ago. This all changed after watching some documentaries on Netflix - Food Inc, What the Health, Forks Over Knives, and Earthlings. What is a Pescetarian Lifestyle? A person who does not eat meat only fish & vegetables. Honestly, it was hard for me at first as I am a meat eater since birth. I hate the taste of vegetables. Like whenever I try to eat I always puke. But now after 4 months of practicing, I got used to it. I learned to love it! I'm very thankful to my husband for cooking a delicious meal for us every day. Below are my photos of what I eat on a regular basis. 

 Below are some Facts about Pescetarianism. I googled it for you guys!

I began to make my own path in life. The more I was learning the better I felt. Plan to continue this journey for the rest of my life. I hope you guys learned a thing or two. Thank you for reading my blog, it means a lot to me. Until next time!

Love & Light