Showing posts with label Go Well Get Fit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Go Well Get Fit. Show all posts


Go Well Get Fit

This year, I decided to change my lifestyle and start eating healthy food and workout regularly. 
I want to be healthy and strong not for myself, but for my family. I want to age gracefully. Who doesn't?
Fortunately, Belle De Jour Power Planner posted a fitness event for us Bellas on their social media account, we just need to register at their website and pay 2k pesos for the training. I sign up right away because I know I badly needed it. Our fitness and healthy food session are every weekend Sat & Sun for the whole month of November. Exciting right?

For the first week, we had our dance workout at Treston BGC. They divided us into four groups and we get to know each and every one. We need to compete every weekend, they will give us different challenges and they will monitor our scores and the highest scores from the group will be having a grand prize after the training. Honestly, I'm not a competitive person so I dont mind winning. I joined this training to learn new things about fitness and wellness and meet new friends. After the dance workout, they gave us a loot bag filled with workout stuff like a yoga mat, water bottle, fitness planner, booklets, hair band, skin care products, Gatorade, and workout clothes. They also gave us a 1-week workout assignment that we will do for the rest of the weekdays in the comfort of our home or at the gym. We need to post it on our Facebook group for our group scores.

The second week is the healthy food session at The Maya Kitchen in Makati. They invited some Food 7 lifestyle bloggers to teach us how to do the Baron Method they gave us a list of the 1-week healthy menu plans. Next is the ketogenic diet they even did a cooking session on how to prepare a ketogenic meal and we tasted the food after.

The third week is the Krav Maga training at BGC. The instructor teaches us the basic self-defense technique, especially for commuters like us.

Last week's training is the Obstacle course in Makati. After the intense but fun training is the awarding. Our group did not win but I was happy to get a loot bag because unexpectedly they gave prizes to all the girls who have completed their attendance luckily me I am one of them. (Masipag eh) 
I enjoyed this 1-month training, I learned a lot and it's all worth it! Thank you for reading my blog and until my next one!